Certificates & Policy Documents

Find our quality assurance, certifications, and other legal documentation here.

Quality Systems

This image of the Rocky Mountains serves as a background until the document cover is rendered.
  • The ICS Quality Management System (QMS) is certified to ISO standard 9001:2015
  • The QMS is used to monitor and measure the characteristics of all of our customer's products to verify that all requirements have been met. Internal defect tracking per customer via Pareto charts with meetings held weekly to review data for determination if corrective action and preventative action is needed.
  • The QMS has incorporated all the process procedures and data bases needed to maintain and monitor the Calibration system, Preventative Maintenance, Document Change, and Etc.
  • All products 100% verified to customer specifications and IPC standards with Certificate of Compliance. Continuity, Hi-Pot testing, and Ground Impedance testing, as well as customer specific functional Test development available.

RoHS and REACH Compliance

This image of the Rocky Mountains serves as a background until the document cover is rendered.

The implementation of RoHS (RoHS2 - Recast 2011/65/EU) compliant material procurement, product manufacturing, and delivery process when stated within the customer specified drawing and Bill of Material documentation.

The processes and materials aare compliant with the REACH Directive (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization of Chemical Substances - EC1907/2006) adopted by the European Union (EU).

Conflict Minerals Policy

This image of the Rocky Mountains serves as a background until the document cover is rendered.

Our Commitment:

  1. Support the aims and objectives of the United States Legislation on supply of "conflict minerals."
  2. Do not knowingly procure specified metals that originate from suppliers or facilities in the "conflict region" that are not certified as "conflict free."
  3. Ensure due diligence of compliance with these requirements, and ask our suppliers to undertake the same reasonable steps with their supply chain to assure that the specified metals are being sourced only from:
    • Mines and smelters from outside the "confict region" or
    • Mines and smelters which have received certification by an independent third party as "conflict free" if sourced with the "conflct region."


This image of the Rocky Mountains serves as a background until the document cover is rendered.

ICS employees a Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) from the industry developed and approved IPC/WHMA-A-620 Training and Certification Program.

IPC/WHMA-A-620 Space Addendum

This image of the Rocky Mountains serves as a background until the document cover is rendered.

ICS employees a Certified IPC Trainer (CIT) from the industry developed and approved IPC/WHMA-A-620 Space Addendum Training and Certification Program.

AS9100 Supplier Requirements Letter

This image of the Rocky Mountains serves as a background until the document cover is rendered.

ICS tracks supplier performance based on quality, delivery, and provision of required certificates/test reports, as applicable, and maintains supplier data accordingly.